Demo | Whitecoat Learning Platform
Product Overview Specifically Tailored to You
Service Description
The Whitecoat Learning Platform streamlines healthcare education with a single, simple, digital platform. During your Whitecoat Learning Platform | Demo you'll take a look under the hood of the most fully integrated new solution on the market. - Clinical rotations - Clinical logging - Algorithmically backed learning gap identification - Automatic simulated learning assignment to fill identified learning gaps - Student Professional Portfolio overview - Easy-evaluations (QR code or email requests) - Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) assessments - Evidence-based defensible student oversight and decision support data - "At-risk" student identification support - Fully integrated data and reporting tools for all aspects of the clinical learning journey - Embedded transition to practice and job opportunity ecosystem - Student, clinical instructor, and preceptor management Finally, one platform developed with all required tools and users in mind, in a single ecosystem

Contact Details
Franklin, TN, USA